Management Board Meeting

The MB is the main DM body throughout the project life time. It is expected that most decisions will be taken by mutual agreement and consensus given the established good relationship. In case of divergent opinions or dispute, decisions will be made by majority vote. In case
anonymous voting is the better option, free online-tools such as “mentimeter” are going to be used. Each partner nominated 1 person either engineering specialist or EU project expert who is the decision-making body. The PM is led by FHJ as EU project and engineering expert whose responsibilities are to communicate/report to the EC, monitor project´s progress, chair consortium meetings, coordinate the implementation of the project activities according to work plan and budget and coordinate timely completion of the outputs.

The Management Board Meeting in detail

The MB is a governing body and decision-making authority within the INTEC project. Each project partner has nominated one representative as MB member. The MB will be led by the coordinator.
Tasks of the MB:
The MB ensures that the project activities and tasks are executed according to time plan and budget allocated.
Each MB member carries out supervising activities in their respective institution to guarantee project progress.
The MB discusses upcoming meetings, events, tasks and deliverables.
The MB together with the QEB is responsible for solving conflicts within the consortium.
The MB together with the QEB tracks risks and chances within the project and takes measures, if necessary.
In case of divergent opinions or dispute, decisions will be made by vote. Each member has one vote. Only, if 75% of the members have voted, a decision is valid. If a member cannot take part in a MB Meeting, they may nominate a proxy or may transfer their vote to another MB member. Given an anonymous voting is the better option, online tools may be used.
The MB will meet periodically (at least quarterly) according to the needs of the projects. The MB Meetings will be held online or combined with on-site Partnership Meetings.