In the context of the implementation of the project entitled „International Engineering Competence Centers to push Sustainable Mobility Development in Albania and Montenegro – INTEC (Projectnumber: 101081873)“ with the main partner University of Applied Sciences FH Joanneum (FHJ) – Graz Austria, on 30.08-12.09, 2024, the internal Train-the Trainer Module took place at UV. The training activities lasted six days and took place at University of Ismail Qemali of Vlora in Albania. This training activity was planned in the context of the WP6 (Train-the-trainer Modules & Internal Train-the-trainer Sessions) and more specifically in the context of Task 6.2 (internal Train-the trainer Modules). During the activity 18 training sessions were implemented. Enkelejd Mehilli, Vice-Rector and Coordinator of the project of University of Vlora, greeted the future INTEC Ambassadors and the students who participated the trainings. We had 17 trainees and 4 trainers of UV. The following topics were thaught: Role of Hydrogen in Decarbonization of Transport, Technology of Electrical vehicles and characteristics of electric motors, Energy transition for a greener transport, green shipping technologies for a greener Maritime Transport, Problem-/project-based learning (PBL), Critical thinking, Leadership, smoodle and Hybrid energy systems.